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Voice Over coaching by David Rosenthal
Actor/Voice Over Talent
Scriptwriter/Acting Coach
cell 415-225-3848
drosent105@aol.comI really can’t say enough about David. He is a wonderfully fabulous coach. He absolutely wants his students to succeed, and be as prepared as they can be. He gives great, playable direction, and is a veritable fountain of knowledge. He’s been succeeding in the business for a long time, and is still going strong. And to top it all off he’s a really nice person. Class was always fun, and engaging. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to break into the voice over industry.
Studio and Recording by Bob Lindner
Bob is a really cool guy. He totally made me feel at home behind the mic (an instrument which up until my foray into the voice over biz was utterly foreign to me). He was wonderfully professional, but would totally crack a joke at the opportune times. I had a lot of fun working with him. And if you ever get the opportunity, ask him about some of the people he’s worked with; he’s got great stories.